Learn About The Dentures And Their Types!

A denture is a common removable replacement for missing teeth. In general, there are two different types of dentures available. They are- Complete Dentures that are used when all teeth are missing and Partial Dentures that are used when a few teeth are missing. People often visit a dental clinic for these two types of dentures in Long Island to get a solution for their missing teeth.

Dentures Long Island

Complete dentures-

They are considered immediate or conventional. Once the teeth have been removed and surrounding tissues begin to heal, conventional dentures can be placed in the mouth for about 8-12 weeks, depending on the condition.

On the other hand, immediate dentures are designed in advance and can be placed in the mouth as soon as the teeth are removed. That means a patient doesn’t have to stay without teeth and wait for the healing period. But when compared to conventional dentures, these dentures require more adjustments so that they can fit properly. As a result, they are generally considered a temporary solution.

Partial dentures-

A partial denture comprises replacement teeth attached to a plastic base that holds the denture in place. A person with one or more teeth left in the upper or lower jaw can look for partial dentures in Long Island. A fixed bridge is used to replace missing teeth by placing the crowns on the teeth and attaching artificial teeth to them. A dentist then cements this bridge into place. These dentures fill in the spaces present in between the missing teeth. Hence, they prevent the remaining teeth from changing their positions. The precision partial dentures are designed with internal attachments rather than clasps attaching to the crowns. They are more like natural-looking dental appliances.

Is there any better alternative to dentures?

If you are looking for other alternatives to dentures, you can consider dental implants. They are used to support cemented bridges while eliminating the requirement for a denture. Though the implants are a bit more expensive than dentures, they closely resemble real teeth. Nowadays, they are becoming the best alternative to dentures. You can also consider visiting a dentist for this dental service in Long Island.

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