Things to know about the procedure of dental implants on Long Island

Do you have loose teeth with no tooth structure left? And do you find it difficult to chew, bite or talk due to missing teeth? If your answer is yes to any one or both of these questions, you can look for dental procedures on Long Island. You might want to know which dental option can benefit you the most! Well, it can be dental implants! They are a safe and reliable method to restore your beautiful smile without requiring a denture or bridge. They are one of the best alternatives to look at when other dental treatments have failed.

Dental Services Long Island

Dental implants– They are a part of restorative dentistry. They are the best dental procedure option for those who have sustained tooth loss from accidents. Even people who have dental issues that can’t be resolved with dentures or crowns can find such implants more beneficial. In some cases, a person needs to get more than a single dental implant during this dental procedure on Long Island to bring back his smile.

Implants are the artificial tooth roots that a dentist will insert into your jawbone. They are used as a foundation to help prosthetic teeth stay in their place. They function more like a natural tooth root. In short, artificial teeth will look, feel and perform functions similar to natural teeth.

There are two types of dental implants-

Endosteal implant- In these implants, titanium is a prevalent material. As titanium is biocompatible, it will not irritate, and the body will not reject it. The metal post will fuse with the jawbone when it heals. These implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone to provide stability to crowns.

Subperiosteal implant- It’s a less common method when compared to the above one. But it’s an excellent choice for those with insufficient bone mass to anchor the endosteal implants. These implants are placed above the jaw bone but beneath the gum tissue. They are similar to endosteal implants, except they will not penetrate the jawbone.  

Are you looking for a way to get back the smile you once had? Yes? If so, you can book an appointment with the best dentist providing this dental service on Long Island now!

4 Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Several teeth whitening products may have already hit the shelves of your local drug stores. Have you ever purchased any such product and failed to get satisfying results? If so, you are not alone. People often consider visiting a dentist in Long Island for professional teeth whitening, the safest and most predictable way to have a beautiful smile.

Dental Services Long Island

Read on to learn the four amazing benefits of professional-in-office teeth whitening.

It guarantees evenly whitened teeth-

OTC teeth whitening solutions come in one generic fit, and a person has to find it whether it will fit perfectly or not. While a professional will create teeth bleaching solutions according to the patient’s need. If he prescribes teeth trays, they will be custom-made as per the mold of a person’s teeth. As a result, professional whitening will result in evenly whitened teeth.

It helps remove stubborn stains-

Stains that have formed over the years are hard to remove. They can only be removed with dental services in Long Island, such as teeth whitening treatments. If you have stains such as fluorosis or tetracycline stains and other kinds of stains that go deep into the enamel, it is better to get your teeth whitened by professionals.

It takes lesser time-

Teeth bleaching at home can take several weeks to show some whitening effect, and there is no guarantee that you will be happy with the results. While on the other hand, getting teeth whitening treatment from a dentist can provide desired results in a short period.

It is better for teeth health-

Before performing teeth whitening, a dentist will do a thorough dental exam. He will check if you have any dental problems and require dental procedures in Long Island for it. In short, you will get a chance for a dental check-up. Moreover, while performing teeth whitening, a dentist will protect a patient’s gums against the exposure of bleaching agents. Therefore, professional whitening reduces the chances of tooth sensitivity and irritated gums.

So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment with a dentist now and get professional teeth whitening done today!

Learn About The Dentures And Their Types!

A denture is a common removable replacement for missing teeth. In general, there are two different types of dentures available. They are- Complete Dentures that are used when all teeth are missing and Partial Dentures that are used when a few teeth are missing. People often visit a dental clinic for these two types of dentures in Long Island to get a solution for their missing teeth.

Dentures Long Island

Complete dentures-

They are considered immediate or conventional. Once the teeth have been removed and surrounding tissues begin to heal, conventional dentures can be placed in the mouth for about 8-12 weeks, depending on the condition.

On the other hand, immediate dentures are designed in advance and can be placed in the mouth as soon as the teeth are removed. That means a patient doesn’t have to stay without teeth and wait for the healing period. But when compared to conventional dentures, these dentures require more adjustments so that they can fit properly. As a result, they are generally considered a temporary solution.

Partial dentures-

A partial denture comprises replacement teeth attached to a plastic base that holds the denture in place. A person with one or more teeth left in the upper or lower jaw can look for partial dentures in Long Island. A fixed bridge is used to replace missing teeth by placing the crowns on the teeth and attaching artificial teeth to them. A dentist then cements this bridge into place. These dentures fill in the spaces present in between the missing teeth. Hence, they prevent the remaining teeth from changing their positions. The precision partial dentures are designed with internal attachments rather than clasps attaching to the crowns. They are more like natural-looking dental appliances.

Is there any better alternative to dentures?

If you are looking for other alternatives to dentures, you can consider dental implants. They are used to support cemented bridges while eliminating the requirement for a denture. Though the implants are a bit more expensive than dentures, they closely resemble real teeth. Nowadays, they are becoming the best alternative to dentures. You can also consider visiting a dentist for this dental service in Long Island.

What are mini-implants? What are its benefits?

Tooth loss can be caused by different issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, or oral trauma. Whatever the reason, missing teeth need to be replaced. People often look for a family dentist in Long Island to get dental implants for missing teeth. But regular dental implants are not for everyone. If you have a missing tooth, you can consider a smaller version of dental implants, i.e., mini implants.

What are mini-implants?

If you are considering dental implants, you must have sufficient bone mass in your jaw. The tooth loss can cause bone loss and may require bone grafting before dental implants. Therefore, the healing process may take several months. On the other hand, mini-implants can help you avoid the need for a bone graft. They are composed of a tiny titanium rod with just a diameter of a toothpick. These implants are designed with a small ball on the exposed end, providing an anchor for the rings that attach your teeth to the implant.

Cosmetic Dentistry Long Island

They are less expensive when compared to traditional dental implants. This procedure of cosmetic dentistry in Long Island is faster and can be completed in a single appointment with local anesthesia. Once the surgery is completed, no sutures are needed afterward. The restorations are attached to implants right after surgery without any need for a temporary restoration.

There are several benefits of mini-implants. A few of them are-

1.     Mini implants are a less invasive procedure as compared to dental implants. They are easier for a doctor to place and require less intensive treatment.

2.     They are more often considered a preferred option when there is not enough bone density for regular dental implants.

3.     There may be fewer complications with this surgical procedure than other dental procedures.

4.     Mini implants are a comfortable and convenient treatment option. They appear and function similar to a natural tooth.

Learning the above-listed benefits of mini-implants can help a person make an informed decision before looking for any dental services in Long Island for missing teeth.

4 Benefits of Orthodontics Treatment

Is orthodontic treatment done only to straighten teeth and have a perfect smile? No! It’s more than just a cosmetic procedure. It’s a safe and cost-effective treatment to align your teeth, provide your body the ability to chew your food properly, prevent dental injuries and decay, and much more. People often visit an orthodontist in Long Island or anywhere near their homes to experience the following four benefits of orthodontic treatment:

Orthodontist Long Island

Helps chew food properly and absorb nutrients-

Do you have misaligned teeth or jaws? Unfortunately, yes! You might not be able to chew your food properly. As a result, food will not digest well in your stomach, and your body may need more energy to absorb nutrients from that half-chewed food. Moreover, half-chewed food can create a choking hazard while eating. Orthodontic treatment can address this issue and provide the desired results with properly aligned teeth.

Helps avoid injury to teeth or jaw-

Have you noticed that your teeth collide when you chew or close your mouth? Do you bite your cheek while speaking or swallowing? If your answer is yes to both these questions, your teeth and jaws are at the risk of injury. Visiting an orthodontist in New Hyde Park to get the required orthodontic treatment can help you safeguard your smile and long-term oral health.

Helps prevent tooth decay-

Overcrowded teeth are harder to clean. As a result, plaque builds up easily between your teeth and forms cavities. In addition, a decayed tooth can negatively affect the health of surrounding teeth and gum tissues. Therefore, getting orthodontic treatment at the right time can help preserve your gum and mouth health.

Helps boost self-esteem-

What’s the first thing people notice when you meet them? Perhaps, your smile! Your smile is a way to show your energy, confidence, and dedication to taking care of yourself. Do you suffer from any dental problem and avoid smiling in public because of it? If so, the time has come to book an appointment with a dentist in Queens, NY. Consult the dentist about the required orthodontic/dental treatment options to eliminate any fear or insecurity you have lived with!

When should you seek cosmetic dentistry services?

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your smile by refining its imperfections with cosmetic dental treatments so you can smile confidently. In addition, it can improve your overall dental health. If your smile’s appearance is deteriorating with age or due to dental problems, it might be time to visit a cosmetic family dentistry specialist in Queens, NY. Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide range of dental solutions such as teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants, crowns, and more to help you achieve a flawless smile. 

Cosmetic Family Dentistry Queens, NY,Cosmetic Family Dentistry Queens, NY,

So, if you notice any of the following signs, you may need cosmetic dentistry services:

Teeth discoloration

Your teeth may change their color for various reasons, such as drinking wine, coffee, aging, or plaque. Hence, if your teeth appear yellow, dull, or darkened, it might be time to get a deep dental cleaning and teeth whitening procedure to restore their shine and brightness. It is recommended to get your teeth professionally cleaned every six months to keep your pearly whites well-maintained.

Cracked or chipped teeth

Having cracked or chipped teeth, especially in the front, can be pretty embarrassing. Moreover, they may increase your risk of dental infections, gum diseases, and cavities. Thus, if you have any cracked or chipped teeth, it would be best to consult with an experienced dentist specializing in cosmetic dentistry to get a comprehensive dental assessment. The doctor may recommend getting veneers or dental implants, depending on your dental condition.  

Missing teeth

Missing teeth are very noticeable whether you smile, talk, or eat. They not only make your smile appear unsightly, make you feel embarrassed, and lower your self-confidence, but also put your dental health at risk. If you have a missing tooth, it may cause your other teeth surrounding the gap to become loose. In addition, your jawbone will start shrinking, making your face shape look sunken. In that case, your dentist may recommend getting a dental crown and dental implants in Long Island, NY, to replace the missing tooth and restore your jawline.

Misaligned teeth

Many people also feel embarrassed to smile if they have misaligned teeth. It may affect your ability to socialize and hinder your personality development. Moreover, misaligned teeth may also reduce your bite strength leading to improper chewing, which may cause digestive issues. Therefore, you should consider consulting a dental specialist for expert guidance.

Cosmetic dental treatments can help restore your confidence, self-esteem and make you feel proud of your smile. Therefore, if you think your smile is unattractive and want to improve its appearance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced cosmetic family dentistry specialist in Queens, NY. Schedule a consultation today!  

4 Crucial Facts You Should Know About Dental Insurance

Dental care is vital for the holistic health of an individual. Also, this crucial part of healthcare is expensive. Even annual checkups and minor procedures can put a massive dent in your savings. This is where dental insurance comes in to save the day. A reputed insurance provider can provide you with coverage to support the expenses of even full mouth dental implants in Long Island. Hence, if you’re in the process of purchasing dental insurance in New York, apprise yourself with the following facts about dental insurance:

full mouth dental implants in Long Island.
  • Dental insurance works a little differently than the other types of “protective” insurances. Unlike health, fire, or car insurance, dental insurance doesn’t cover all the costs of oral care procedures—instead, these act as discounted rates based on the kind of plan you have bought. For example, a basic plan would cover regular checkups, cleanings, and such preventative care. However, it might not support any restorative care completely like getting fillings, routine care treatments, etc., for which you may have to pay 10% to 40% of the cost out of your pocket.
  • Many companies provide medical and dental insurance as a part of employee benefits; thus, all premium payments are taken care of by them. However, suppose you’re buying one for yourself or your family. In that case, you need to consider the premium costs and weighing, comparing all your available options to get a clear and affordable plan of your future expenditure.
  • Preventative care is covered in most dental plans in addition to a majority of the restorative care. You may need to pay about 20% of the cost of fillings, extractions, etc., and about 50% of the major restorations like dental implants in New Hyde Park. The main difference lies in the coverage plan you’ve chosen.
  • While you’re saving big chunks of money on restorative dental care, corrective services aren’t covered by dental insurances. Hence, if you’re looking for a teeth whitening procedure or any cosmetic restoration, plan the costs ahead before scheduling with the dentists.

There are many different dental insurance plans offered by private companies that are reliable and affordable. If you’re confused about the right choice, feel free to talk to our North Island Dental Arts team for a crystal clear view to save you money on your dental implants treatment in New Hyde Park. Call us now!

What Are Some Alternatives To Dental Implants?

Teeth restoration is a lengthy and expensive process. Many people dealing with tooth loss are often left confused with the sheer enormity of the task at hand in order to bring back the dazzling white charm. Among all the options lately, dental implant treatments in New Hyde Park have come to be the most opted by due to their longevity and minimal upkeep. However, for some patients, dental implants may not be an ideal choice of treatment owing to health conditions, like periodontal disease, etc. In these cases, orthodontists must confer with an alternative to help restore the health and vitality of the patient’s smile. Some of these possible alternative treatment options can be:

Dental Implant Treatments New Hyde Park

            Mini Implants.

Also known as small or narrow diameter implants, mini implants (MDIs) are smaller dental implants used in Long Island. These alternatives are quicker and easier to place, making them a less invasive treatment option for those apprehensive due to previous complications. However, the catch here is that although the MDIs may be more comfortable than the traditional implants, they aren’t a feasible option for multiple tooth loss. Hence, you may require either more MDIs or have lesser teeth restored.

            Adhesive Dental Bridge.

In the cases when either the jawbone or the gum couldn’t be salvaged through a root canal or periodontal surgery, an adhesive dental bridge is then used for single-tooth restoration. In this procedure, a fixed bridge is bonded onto the healthy, natural teeth to create a natural bite terrain. This method is, however, still not deemed a permanent solution since the adhesive can debond, and fall out with wear and tear or even prematurely.

            Partial Dentures.

One of the cheapest yet tedious alternatives to missing teeth is a partial denture. These fixtures are designed to fit the missing tooth gap and act as a clip-on that needs to be removed every night. Understandably, these dentures need to be maintained properly to ensure hygiene. The downside of these dentures is that they lose their fit as your gums move over time, even if only at night, and the movement of putting them on and removing them every day can damage the enamel on the adjoining healthy teeth.

In short, dental implants are the only safest, long-term solution for teeth restoration, but if you aren’t an ideal candidate, you should consult with an experienced implantologist for proper guidance for your dental health. Visit North Island Dental Arts and speak to our team of dental experts to know if you’re eligible for full mouth dental implants in Long Island or a dental bridge.

Who is NOT eligible For Full Mouth dental implants?

Dental implants are the most effective way to restore your smile by replacing broken or missing teeth. This treatment is ideal for anyone who wants to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or needs a full mouth dental implants treatment in Long Island, NY. Full-mouth dental implants in Long Island, NY is a preferred method that can prevent bone loss, strengthen the jawbone, improve chewing ability, and minimize the risk of jowls and turkey neck. So, if you have lost more than half of your teeth, you may be eligible for this treatment. However, if you have lost your teeth due to an injury, accident, periodontal disease, or gum problems, a comprehensive dental exam will be required to determine whether you have sufficient bone density to support dental implants. 

Dental Implant Treatments New Hyde Park

Eligibility for Full Mouth dental implants procedure

Everyone may Not be an ideal candidate for full-mouth dental implants. Following are the various factors that usually determine if you should opt for full mouth dental implants or not.

  1. Full mouth dental implants are usually not recommended if the patient is pregnant. It is because it requires the use of anesthesia, which may sometimes cause complications for pregnant patients. Therefore, patients may need to postpone the treatment for a few months following giving birth.
  2. If the patient has a habit of smoking that leads to the loss of teeth, there is an increased risk of gum or jawbone infection in patients. It may also cause the failure of dental implants. Thus, it is not recommended unless the patient can abstain from smoking before and after the procedure for 6 months or more.
  3. Patients with medical conditions such as heart diseases, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, or stroke risk are usually not considered ideal candidates for the full-mouth dental implants treatment. It is because these chronic conditions may affect the effectiveness of dental implants, or patients may be at greater risk of complications. 
  4. Full mouth dental implants treatment is also not considered a good fit for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. It is so as chemotherapy may weaken their bone density, and the recovery would be even slower. 

So, if you are considering getting dental implants treatment in New Hyde Park, NY, schedule a consultation with a board-certified dental surgeon for a comprehensive dental examination to determine your eligibility. Contact our team for expert assistance.

How veneers help transform your smile

An attractive smile is a representation of your oral health. The self-confidence and overall vitality of your teeth depend on how well the health of your natural teeth is. Therefore,  healthy dental practices are important for oral health preservations. However, dental conditions can adversely impact the appearance of an individual’s teeth and confidence. Therefore, to remedy this, family cosmetic dentists in Long Island recommended cosmetic dentistry.

Family Dentist Long Island

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry, also known as aesthetic dentistry, is a great way to address imperfections in a smile. There are multiple cosmetic dental procedures that correct dental conditions such as crooked teeth, stained teeth, gaps in teeth, etc. American Dental Association (ADA) defines this as an innovative method to improve patients’ smiles and self-image. 

Who is an ideal candidate for cosmetic dental treatment?

It is a common perception that there is an ideal age for cosmetic dentistry. This field is mistakenly believed to comprise solely of elective procedures that constitute teeth whitening and dental modifications with jewels, etc. Cosmetic dentistry may be required for medical reasons for individuals of any age, from adolescents to seniors.

Children with baby teeth may not need serious intervention or dental treatment. However, these procedures help correct the appearance or structure of teeth in adolescents. Teenagers, as they grow, may struggle with self-image issues due to imperfect smiles, and for them, pediatric cosmetic dentistry can be beneficial.

Moreover, adults may also enjoy the advantages of cosmetic dentistry by restoring damaged teeth in various ways. The common types of adult cosmetic treatments include dental veneers, teeth bonding, gum contouring, teeth whitening. 

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers, also referred to as dental porcelain laminates, are thin custom-made shells of tooth-colored material designed to cover the front surface of teeth. These shells form a bond in front of the teeth impacting the shape, size, and length of naturally formed teeth. 

Veneers are mostly made of porcelain or resin composite material. Long Island dentists use porcelain veneers as a common solution to treat teeth discoloration as they resist stain better than resin veneers. Therefore, people with teeth discoloration due to root canal treatment, excessive intake of caffeine, or any colored products can benefit majorly from veneers. Other benefits of dental veneers include:

  • Fixing broken or chipped teeth;
  • Correct uneven coloration or staining which whitening cannot fix;
  • Fill gaps in between the teeth;
  • Elongate the teeth length.

Hence, teeth veneers are a common dental procedure performed by most family dentists in Long Island, New York. So, consult the experts at North Island Dental Arts clinic to find the perfect veneer solution for your and your family’s dental concerns.