How veneers help transform your smile

An attractive smile is a representation of your oral health. The self-confidence and overall vitality of your teeth depend on how well the health of your natural teeth is. Therefore,  healthy dental practices are important for oral health preservations. However, dental conditions can adversely impact the appearance of an individual’s teeth and confidence. Therefore, to remedy this, family cosmetic dentists in Long Island recommended cosmetic dentistry.

Family Dentist Long Island

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry, also known as aesthetic dentistry, is a great way to address imperfections in a smile. There are multiple cosmetic dental procedures that correct dental conditions such as crooked teeth, stained teeth, gaps in teeth, etc. American Dental Association (ADA) defines this as an innovative method to improve patients’ smiles and self-image. 

Who is an ideal candidate for cosmetic dental treatment?

It is a common perception that there is an ideal age for cosmetic dentistry. This field is mistakenly believed to comprise solely of elective procedures that constitute teeth whitening and dental modifications with jewels, etc. Cosmetic dentistry may be required for medical reasons for individuals of any age, from adolescents to seniors.

Children with baby teeth may not need serious intervention or dental treatment. However, these procedures help correct the appearance or structure of teeth in adolescents. Teenagers, as they grow, may struggle with self-image issues due to imperfect smiles, and for them, pediatric cosmetic dentistry can be beneficial.

Moreover, adults may also enjoy the advantages of cosmetic dentistry by restoring damaged teeth in various ways. The common types of adult cosmetic treatments include dental veneers, teeth bonding, gum contouring, teeth whitening. 

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers, also referred to as dental porcelain laminates, are thin custom-made shells of tooth-colored material designed to cover the front surface of teeth. These shells form a bond in front of the teeth impacting the shape, size, and length of naturally formed teeth. 

Veneers are mostly made of porcelain or resin composite material. Long Island dentists use porcelain veneers as a common solution to treat teeth discoloration as they resist stain better than resin veneers. Therefore, people with teeth discoloration due to root canal treatment, excessive intake of caffeine, or any colored products can benefit majorly from veneers. Other benefits of dental veneers include:

  • Fixing broken or chipped teeth;
  • Correct uneven coloration or staining which whitening cannot fix;
  • Fill gaps in between the teeth;
  • Elongate the teeth length.

Hence, teeth veneers are a common dental procedure performed by most family dentists in Long Island, New York. So, consult the experts at North Island Dental Arts clinic to find the perfect veneer solution for your and your family’s dental concerns.

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