What are mini-implants? What are its benefits?

Tooth loss can be caused by different issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, or oral trauma. Whatever the reason, missing teeth need to be replaced. People often look for a family dentist in Long Island to get dental implants for missing teeth. But regular dental implants are not for everyone. If you have a missing tooth, you can consider a smaller version of dental implants, i.e., mini implants.

What are mini-implants?

If you are considering dental implants, you must have sufficient bone mass in your jaw. The tooth loss can cause bone loss and may require bone grafting before dental implants. Therefore, the healing process may take several months. On the other hand, mini-implants can help you avoid the need for a bone graft. They are composed of a tiny titanium rod with just a diameter of a toothpick. These implants are designed with a small ball on the exposed end, providing an anchor for the rings that attach your teeth to the implant.

Cosmetic Dentistry Long Island

They are less expensive when compared to traditional dental implants. This procedure of cosmetic dentistry in Long Island is faster and can be completed in a single appointment with local anesthesia. Once the surgery is completed, no sutures are needed afterward. The restorations are attached to implants right after surgery without any need for a temporary restoration.

There are several benefits of mini-implants. A few of them are-

1.     Mini implants are a less invasive procedure as compared to dental implants. They are easier for a doctor to place and require less intensive treatment.

2.     They are more often considered a preferred option when there is not enough bone density for regular dental implants.

3.     There may be fewer complications with this surgical procedure than other dental procedures.

4.     Mini implants are a comfortable and convenient treatment option. They appear and function similar to a natural tooth.

Learning the above-listed benefits of mini-implants can help a person make an informed decision before looking for any dental services in Long Island for missing teeth.

Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Changes Your Life

There is one thing that you can give freely to make yourself and others feel good- a smile! It can make someone’s day, and can make you feel better, too! But in case you are ashamed of your teeth or not confident about your smile, you are less likely to do this easy act. A cosmetic family dentistry treatment in Queens, NY can change all that.

A cosmetic dentistry procedure doesn’t have to cost a fortune or be a complex process. It consists of anything positive that enhances your smile, including whitening, straightening, building, and lengthening the teeth.


All of these procedures increase confidence in your smile and provide both emotional and physical health benefits. The following blog will explain how a cosmetic family dentistry treatment in Queens, NY, can positively change your life.

  1. Dental hygiene habits: Cosmetic dentistry can change the way you take care of your gums and teeth. If you like your smile, you will want to keep it looking its best, which means focusing on good dental hygiene.
  2. Eating habits: To keep that smile sparkling, you will naturally want to eat food and drink liquids that do not stain or stick in your teeth. This means you might be motivated to drink less caffeinated beverages or avoid consuming sugar candies- a good step towards a healthy diet.
  3. Smoking habits: It is no secret that smoking stains your teeth- and porcelain veneers or crowns that result from cosmetic dentistry are no exception. In fact, they mostly stain more readily. Your new smile would be worth “kicking the habit.”
  4. Say goodbye to pain: In case your teeth are not aligned properly, you could be experiencing jaw pain or headaches. By aligning and straightening your teeth, you can stay away from this pain.
  5. Longer life: Research shows that people who smile often live an average of seven to 20 years longer than people who don’t smile.  The simple act of smiling reduces stress because your body releases endorphins (the feel-good hormone). Smiling also boosts your immune system. 

These are some of the benefits of opting for cosmetic dentistry treatment in Queens, NY. But before you get started, clear all your doubts with your dentist. A good dentist will provide all the necessary information and will let you know whether the treatment is best suited for you or not.