What is the future of dental implants?

Since the introduction of dental implants, they have been considered as the best solution for missing or damaged teeth. Now, we all know that dental implants are the most popular and preferred option for restoring smiles as well as improving the functionality of teeth. After all, unlike traditional options, dental implants offer a permanent solution that feels and looks almost like natural teeth. With the increased popularity of dental implants, design techniques and innovation for implantation have also increased. Hence, the future of dental implants in Long Island and across the globe is now.

dental implants in Long Island

Let’s have a look at what is happening in implant technology today!

Both dental practitioners and engineers are constantly working to improve implant technology in terms of construction and materials. They work with a goal to advance dental implants as the most natural-looking option for missing or damaged teeth.

What makes new dental implants a superior alternative to previous varieties is the material used. Modern dental implants are made up of titanium, which provides better strength and permanent results. Not only this, being a high-quality mental, it promotes osseointegration where implants fuse with the jawbone.

Zirconium dioxide abutments is another recent advancement in dental implants. It removes the ‘metal show’ that are usually implanted in the gums. Hence, offering an option that perfectly matches with the color of your natural teeth.

Advancements in bone grafting

One of the major drawbacks of dental implant surgery is that some patients lose jawbones during the healing period. On the other hand, there are patients who don’t have enough jawbone to get dental implants. Considering this, dental care practitioners have developed a bone grafting technology that can create a more solid base for the implant. Bone grafting usually involves transferring of developed bone from one part of your body to the area that doesn’t have sufficient bone.

Apart from this, other technological advancements in dental implants also include computer-assisted design and manufacturing. With the help of 3D printing, dentists can produce an image of your teeth as well as surrounding facial structures to create an accurate plan of placing the implant at the best location. The use of computer technology to design implants have reduced the waiting time between the extraction and installation of the implant. Today, we have computer-design implants, which can be implanted immediately after extraction and offer almost perfect replicas of natural teeth.

The final thought 

With continuous advancements in implant dentistry, the dental implant procedures will be more accurate, advanced and precise in the coming years. Technology plays an integral role in shaping the future of dental implants. As a result, patients can expect higher quality implants with reduced risk of failure.

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