Will Osteoporosis Hinder you from getting Dental Implants?

Nowadays, with the advancement in medical technology, resolving dental issues has become an easy task. If you have lost one or more teeth, dental implants are an excellent way to replace your lost or missing teeth with a new one. It makes your teeth look more natural, and a smile looks beautiful than before. However, the jawbone of your teeth must be strong enough to support dental implants. People with diseases such as Osteoporosis might be wondering whether they are a suitable candidate for dental implants or not. Here is what you should know about getting dental implants in Long Island if you have osteoporosis:

Dental Implant Long Island

  1. Examining your jaw: Examining the jaw bone is the first step to determine the suitability of the candidate. Your dentist will use a sensitive high-tech machine and will observe the jaw bone density minutely. It would be easy for him to decide whether your jaw bone will support dental implants and would suggest you certain interventions. Dental implants come in various sizes, and you can get a smaller implant to avoid bone loss. The dentist will perform the bone graft necessary to give support to the dental implants.
  2. Medication: If you have Osteoporosis, you can take certain medications to slow down the bone loss. Those who take medicines such as Bisphosphonates can get the desired results after receiving dental implants in New Hyde Park. You need to inform the dentist well in advance about the medications to monitor the recovery easily. If you aren’t taking Bisphosphonates, you will experience a lot of complications once the process is over.

Can I get dental implants?

Conditions such as Osteoporosis is adding a layer of complexity to the process that doesn’t mean that you should quit the idea of having a successful dental implant. Before getting dental implants in Long Island, inform the doctor about your medical history and medications that you are taking. The dentist is going to make a treatment plan based on your existing condition, which will bring the desired results. Don’t let health ailments such as Osteoporosis prevent you from getting the dental implants.

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