5 Reasons to have a family dentist

There are two types of dental practitioners – a general dentist and the family dentist. A family dentist in Long Island can not only provide you and your family members with the right dental care but also acts as an heirloom for your family. From one generation to another, your family dentist becomes a reliable person for dental problems and an important part of the family. Family dental practitioners are jacks of all trades and have the expertise and experience to handle all of your dental problems.

Family Dentist Long Island

If you are still not convinced whether you need a family dentist or not, here are a few more reasons to know why you should hire a family dentist.

  • They help your entire family 

While the general dentist provides dental services to only a specific age group, family dentists help your entire family. They are there with you even before your baby is born to her adulthood. These dental practitioners are extensively trained and have the expertise to deal with any dental problems that may occur at any age. Unlike general dentists, they provide more than just a perfect smile. They educate their patients on the best ways to maintain their oral health.

  • Knows your dental history

As a matter of fact, when you are with the same dentist, they know about your dental history. Consulting with a dentist in Long Island who is familiar with your dental history makes it easier for her to provide the right treatment at the right time. This is what a family dentist is all about. They maintain your records and know when was the last time you visited the clinic or any implants you’ve had recently, any allergies you have and so much more.

  • They provide a variety of dental services 

Unlike a general dentist, a family dentist provides a variety of dental services, making her an ideal choice for all your family members’ dental health. From installing braces to providing the best dental implants procedure, they tick all the boxes.

  • More convenience for your family 

If you have a family dentist in Long Island or your town, you can rest assured that your family members will not be running around town to seek the right dental treatment during an emergency. Whether your infant is teething and needs dental care or you are experiencing shooting pain in the middle of the night, you know which door to knock.

If you are thinking about starting a family and don’t have a family dentist, it’s the right time to consider it.


Important Facts You Should Know About Your Dental Health

Dental health is taken very lightly by many people. As much as you take care of your overall health, your dental health should not be left behind at any cost. Because poor dental health is also associated with health risks. 

It is so important to take care of teeth as poor oral health can lead to more severe dental problems. Therefore, you should never delay visiting a dentist on Long Island as they help prevent problems before they become serious and start developing. 

If you don’t notice common gum and teeth problems, you can face more serious dental issues. 

In this blog, we are going to bring up the most important facts everyone should know about their dental health:

  • dentist-examines-patient-s-teeth_1150-19639Brush your teeth twice 

The best way to keep cavities away from teeth is by brushing your teeth twice a day. Flossing and brushing daily helps remove the plaque that sticks to your teeth. It should be removed from your teeth if you want to have cavity-free teeth.

  • Don’t ignore gum problems

Gum diseases are common in adults today. If not treated, they can lead to serious gum problems. They are also linked with heart problems, diabetes, etc. Gingivitis is a serious gum disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated timely. If not treated, you may develop periodontitis that causes bone loss. 

  •  Dental checkup and dental screenings are important

Regular dental checkups and screenings are an important part of maintaining good oral health. With the help of routine dental check-ups, you can prevent gum diseases, oral cancer, cavities, and other dental issues. 

  • Dental issues don’t get better without treatment 

You should never ignore tooth problems especially if your dentist on Long Island has given you a dental treatment plan. Cavities have the potential to become serious and bigger. If they had reached your teeth nerve, you would have to go under the root canal or tooth extraction. 

Dental health doesn’t take much as you think. Visit a good Long Island dentist regularly and take proper care of teeth by following good oral care routine.  

Dental care – Things you should know

As it is said, if you take care of your teeth, it will take care of you. Teeth are vital for many body functions and are essential for a good digestive system. Moreover, they are further quiet effective in cutting and breaking down your food in a simpler form. Therefore, a visit to the dentist in Long Island,NY for a routine checkup is quite important and effective. But, it’s more important which type of dental problem you are facing and what type of dentist you must visit for quick and effective results. 


Different procedures performed by the dentist

Braces – A dental brace is a device used to correct the alignment of teeth and bite-related problems. By exerting steady pressure on the teeth, braces help in straightening your teeth.  

Bridges and Implants – To replace a missing tooth or teeth, the dentist follows bridges and implants procedures. Artificial teeth are roots used to support replaced teeth. 

Extractions – With the help of orthodontic treatment, severely damaged teeth are extracted. In some cases, permanent teeth are replaced by artificial ones. 

Dentures – The lost teeth are replaced by dentures that are prosthetic devices. The process is carried out in two forms – partial and full. 

Gum Surgery – An infection that affects the jaw bone and gums is related to Periodontal or gum disease, which can lead to a loss of gum and teeth. 

Sealants – To protect the chewing surface of your teeth or to act as a barrier against decay-causing bacteria, dental sealants are usually applied to the surface of teeth. Sealants are applied most often, to the back teeth, e.g., premolars and molars. 

Fillings and Repairs – Dental fillings and repairs use restorative materials used to repair teeth that have been compromised due to cavities or trauma. 

Types of dentist to visit based on their skills 

Endodontists – Endodontists specialize in diagnosing and treating issues within our teeth. For example, if your tooth’s pulp becomes infected, you may need a root canal that is treated by Endodontists. 

Pediatric Dentist – Pediatric dentists are for child’s oral health like pediatricians are to their overall health. They’re dentists who specialize in oral development and care of children from infancy through their teens.  

Orthodontist – Orthodontics or alignment specialist is about correcting teeth and jaws that are out of position. You may see an orthodontist if your jaw isn’t aligned properly leading to an overbite, underbite or crossbite. 

These points will help you know more about the dentist in Long island and different dental medical procedures they perform for the good health of your teeth.  

5 Benefits Of Having a Family Dentist


Have you found a family dentist? If you haven’t, health experts advise you to settle down with a particular dental healthcare provider.

We all are concerned about our and our loved ones’ health. And dental health is also equally important. This means just like primary healthcare providers, it is crucial to have a family dentist in Long Island that you and your family members can trust and rely on.

Now, you must be wondering why is it a necessity to have a family dentist? We can visit any dental care provider to get out teeth treated, it’s the same thing. No, there is a great difference!

When it comes to family dentists, they can help you and your family members with dental treatments at every stage of life. For example, children’s dental needs are different from adults. And only board-certified, experienced family dentists offer comprehensive dental care to every age group. Here are some of the oral services that a family dentist offers.

  • Regular dental cleanings
  • Filling
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Cavity identification 
  • Sealants
  • Orthodontics

Apart from this, the following are the 5 benefits of having a family dentist that you need to know. 

    • Convenience As already mentioned above, family dentists offer dental treatments to patients of every age group. This means you don’t have to go from one dental clinic to another to provide your loved ones with much-needed dental care. Hence, you can schedule a family dental checkup and eliminate travel time, which will eventually save your time.
    • Detection of early dental problemsEven though you’re particular about your oral care and hygiene, you may still get dental problems. And with regular visits to your family dentist, your dentist will help you detect dental problems at the earliest stage. This is because your dentist performs dental examinations, computer modeling, and X-rays, which help in early predictions of any oral issues. On the other hand, you can also predict some dental issues due to grinding, jaw irregularities, and malocclusion.
    • FamiliarityHaving a family dentist offers many benefits, such as saving time and travel, and promoting good dental habits for a lifetime. If you haven’t gotten a family dentist in Long Island,NY start your search today to choose the best dentist for you and your family.

4 Signs its Time to Visit a Dentist

dentist in Long Island NIDA

Do you know nearly 100 million Americans fail to keep up their regular dental check-ups? As a result, they suffer from many dental issues.

Whether you’re an eight-year-old kid or eighty years old adult, oral health is important. Besides brushing teeth two times a day and flossing after each meal, regular visits to the dentist in Long Island are also important to maintain your oral health.

But, unfortunately, most of us fail to see the dental healthcare doctor regularly. And continue delaying can escalate the simple dental problems and eventually lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and more.

Want to know the best time to consider dental services in Long Island?

The following are some of the top 4 signs that tell you when you need to visit the dentist.

Tooth painTooth pain is very difficult to bear. When it occurs, a person can do anything possible to alleviate pain. If you’ve tooth pain that means there is something wrong with your oral health, which can be serious. Therefore, you should immediately visit the dental clinic to get it diagnosed.

Swollen gumsSwollen gums usually result from plaque deposit that has hardened under your gum line. But, in most cases, they could be an indication of gingivitis as well as periodontitis. These are serious dental conditions that may lead to tooth decay and loss if left untreated.

Are you suffering from swollen or inflamed gums? If so, you must visit your dentist at the earliest to avoid further dental problems.

Sensitivity – Just like inflamed gums and tooth pain, sensitivity to heat and cold is another sign of dental problems such as tooth decay.

Usually, tooth decay begins by affecting your enamel layer and your tooth’s surface. But, if you leave it untreated, the condition will further advance and may lead to a cavity.

Bad breath – Do you have bad breath? If so, you shouldn’t take it lightly. It may be an early sign of gingivitis, if left untreated, can further lead to periodontitis and oral cancer.

If even after brushing your teeth regularly, bad breath still persists, it could be a sign of gingivitis. Thus, schedule an appointment with your dentist at the earliest to treat the condition before it gets worse.

Are you experiencing any of these signs? If yes, then you must immediately see the dentist in Long Island NY to get is diagnosed and treated.


Things you can expect during multiple dental implant procedure

Although dentists have been performing dental implants surgeries to replace the missing or decayed tooth, many patients are still not familiar with this dental procedure. If you’re missing two or more teeth, you may need to undergo several dental implant replacement to fix your smile. However, choosing an experienced dentist that offers dental implants in New Hyde Park is mandatory to ensure the procedure is done without any complications. So, you’ve heard about multiple dental implants for the first time and have no idea about it. Don’t worry! In this post, we’ll explain what you can expect during multiple dental implant replacement.

Is multiple dental implant procedure different from a single implant?

Well, the multiple dental implant placement is mostly similar to the placing of a single implant. Such as your dentist will make an incision in the gum tissue, and insert a titanium implant post into the jawbone. But, in the case of multiple dental implants, this is repeated several times depending on the number of missing teeth and position as well. Once your dentist place all the implant posts, after that he will place the protective caps over the implantation sites to provide protection to the areas around the posts. They also help to maintain the shape of the soft tissue until the implant gets fused with the jawbone. Once they are fused, the restorations are made and attached. Make sure you rely on your family dentist in Long Island to ensure proper placement of the dental implants.

Dental Implants

Is there any difference in the cost?

On average, the initial cost of the dental implant will be between $500 and $1500 on average, but additional implant posts will be offered to you at a lower price. Plus, some of the health insurance covers part of the tooth or teeth replacement cost, while other dental insurance providers offer coverage to dental implants as well.

How many implants do you need?

The number of dental implant posts you need usually depends on the size and shape of your oral structures and the type of restoration. However, you can expect the following:

  • One implant that provides support to one dental crown and replaces a tooth. In some cases, it is used to support two fused together replacement.
  • Two implants are used to support a fixed bridge prosthetic.
  • Three or more implants are used between three and six dental implant posts to support partial as well as full dentures.

Are you looking for a reliable dentist that offers dental implants in Long Island? Contact North Island Dental Arts – 5166164800. They have some of the most experienced dentists in Long Island.